Saving Lives, Healing Hearts
Helping Veterans Find Peace and Joy again!

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Helping Veterans Find Peace and Joy again!
Saving Lives, Healing Hearts
I attended Healing Warrior Hearts in January of 2021. It was recommended to me by a fellow woman veteran. I had experienced Military Sexual Trauma (MST) which seemed to be a cause of many issues within my military and civilian professional career as well as my personal life. Due to COVID this retreat was cancelled, post-poned, and rescheduled but I truly believe everything happens for a reason. I had been working on my healing through one on one counselings, attending a crucible support group weekly, as well as looking to God for months while I endured over a year long military sexual assault investigation and a VA disability claim. This retreat truly came at the moment I needed it most. It was remarkable to attend just a weekend retreat and yet feel so much love, support, and enormous amounts of tools and resources. I can't express enough what this organization and group of people did for me. We did a role play and it allowed my deepest feelings and emotions to escape in a safe and caring environment. We put the work in and I was exhausted due to the mental work but boy did my shoulders relax!!! That heavy heavy backpack I had been carrying around for years was finally taken off and emptied. I was able to face the trauma and move forward. Even after the retreat I had my sponsor reach out and check in. We also met as a group a couple months later just to see where everyone was at. Veterans tend to retreat and isolate themselves, this was a great way to ensure noone felt alone and was reminded of the healing that took place and that we were all important and had a bright future ahead. We just had to go after it. Thank you Starfish Foundation Inc for providing an avenue of positivity and healing. You have and will continue to save lives! JWillPower01